Our content has highly curated learning programs
Our certificates are professionally recognized
Our partners are World's leading institutions

Executive Certificate in Insurance Claims Management
The content of the Executive Certificate in Insurance Claims Management course makes ...

Analyse Client Needs
This course will comprehensively develop you to sell NEEDS and not policies. It addre...

Certificate in Fund Administration
The course will enable you to develop an understanding of the funds industry and some...

Fixed Income Securities Certification
The IFMP Fixed Income Securities Certification programme covers the basic concepts of...

Advanced Certificate in Fund Administration
The course will enable you to develop your knowledge of fund operations, across both ...

Investment Banking and Analysis Certification
The IFMP Investment Banking and Analysis Certification covers the concepts of relatio...

Stock Brokers Certification
The IFMP Stock Brokers Certification Exam covers the concepts of financial markets re...

Financial Derivatives Traders Certification
The IFMP Financial Derivatives Traders Certification covers the concepts of Financial...

Clearing and Settlement Operations Certification
The IFMP Clearing and Settlement Operations Certification covers the overview of capi...

Life Insurance Underwriting and Policy Comparison
Life Insurance plays and important role in the financial security of many families. O...

Authorized Surveying Officers Certification
The IFMP Authorized Surveying Officers Certification covers the concepts of structure...

Bancassurance Certification
The IFMP Bancassurance Certification covers the concepts of structure and management,...
Help your workforce develop relevant skills
Skills are rapidly changing. On-demand and on-the-job learning is the only way to keep up the pace. Our courses are designed to develop and empower teams with professional skills needed to do the job. We leverage on our partners’ expertise and knowledge to inform the courses we develop now and for the future to keep employees focused.

Transform your organization and close skills gaps
Online learning with the Insurance Institute of East Africa could be the answer to the business challenges your learning and development team may be facing. From customer service courses, to claims and digital insurance, we’ll work with you to develop your teams into top level professionals using highly curated learning programs.
Fresh and current in-demand courses
Our marketplace content model ensures that we always have the most recent and high-quality content that makes learning enjoyable. We’ll always have the latest skills courses on the most important topics your employees need to stay ahead of the curve.

How it Works
One of the most distinctive characteristics of our courses is that they cover the subject area very broadly.

This Completion Certificate (sample) is an official Insurance Institute of East Africa(IIEA) credential that confirms that you successfully completed a course with us.