Marine Hull Insurance
Course Overview
The Marine Hull Insurance online course makes your road to learning about this aspect of insurance more effective, easier and more enjoyable than ever. Its streamlined approach strikes a careful balance between depth of coverage and ease of learning. Its worldclass learning design - with insightful examples, thought primers, learning activities, case studies, review questions, and tutorial questions - ensures that you will come to class well prepared and leave with a richer understanding of the subject theory and practices.
In your professional journey with Marine Hull Insurance, you will develop knowledge and understanding about international trade, the legal environment, perception, evaluation and underwriting, claims considerations and procedures in relation to marine hull insurance cargo and
goods-in-transit risks, in particular, the scope of cover and market practices of haulage contractor’s liability, haulers (public carriers), freight forwarders, stevedores, and warehousemen.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Describe how international trade in conducted and list the documents involved;
- Explain the various legal requirements of transit risks;
- Describe the various charter parties and carriers and explain their contractual liabilities;
- Analyse, apply, and explain the provisions of various cargo and trade clauses;
- Evaluate the various risk factors related to cargo and goods-in-transit and how they are underwritten; and
- Explain the claims practices and the roles and responsibilities of the various parties in cargo and goods-in-transit insurance claims.